Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


When I was a pre teen, I became acutely aware that I did NOT posses certain qualities and features that some of my pre-teen counter parts displayed. But it's NOT what you are thinking. Being a native Texan, I spent every Summer in a bathing suit splashing in and out of swimming pools or the… Continue reading NOT like EVERYone ELSE

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara

November GIVE away!

BE_WARE of the candy buzz because in case you live under a rock, tonight is HALLOWEEN! Trick and treat seekers will be out and about ready for a good scare and a bunch of candy! Halloween If you're an adult, the nostalgia of Halloween's gone by will flood your brain with memories of free candy,  running… Continue reading November GIVE away!