Bringing Sweaty Back

Holiday Habits to Stay On Track

1 Mental & Physical Being : During the holidays, amid hectic schedules, investing 15 to 30 minutes daily in exercise has a significant well-being impact. Cardio & weight training decreases stress and helps fight fatique. 2 Repetitive Maintenance: Focus on eating healthy, hitting your workout goals,and staying on track. Eat before a holiday office party.… Continue reading Holiday Habits to Stay On Track

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


When the term REMODEL comes to mind, immediate anxiety washes over me while an array of adjectives dance in my head! First thought is total topsy-turviness. Because is there ever just a tiny minor remodel? In my experience, even the smallest paint job can cause an upheaval. What is suppose to be a simple one… Continue reading RE-MODEL

Bringing Sweaty Back

But…how does it work?

This post is an up close look into exactly how my virtual training sessions work. As a certified personal trainer/FITness instructor, it was easy to conduct workout sessions from home during the pandemic. I would simply plan the workouts, que the music and perform the workouts. It was sort of follow the leader, do what… Continue reading But…how does it work?

Bringing Sweaty Back


If my sneakers could talk they would have a smorgasbord to brag about! Mainly our. relationship. Me and my sneaks are friends. They are like my daily ride or die buddies. My sneakers are like a tribe of their own. I rely on my sneakers just like we rely on our best friends word of… Continue reading SPRING SNEAKER TALK

Bringing Sweaty Back


Ladies and's been a wild year. Abercrombie & FItness was no stranger to the bizarre twist and turns of 2021. Last January, clients (old and new) began to trickle into the gym for face to face and one on one contact. It was so nice to have some "in the flesh" folks in the… Continue reading ABERCROMBIE & FITness BEST OF 2021

Abercrombie FITness client testimonials, Bringing Sweaty Back

Suzanne H: Success Story

Introducing....all the way from Oregon, Suzanne H. Would you believe that Suzanne and I had a one-time day trip encounter in San Diego, California on a private boat. Neither of us really knew that one 40 min deep conversation on a random Sunday boat cruise would turn into a full-fledge friendship. BUT IT DID! Suzanne… Continue reading Suzanne H: Success Story

Bringing Sweaty Back

Set me up Spring & Summer

This is the time of year I start forecasting my Spring and Summer workout wardrobe. Freshen it up a bit. I like to add a few new colors to the mix. This three pack of muscle tanks is a sweet deal! Choose from a variety of colors. They are light weight and super breathable. Tanks… Continue reading Set me up Spring & Summer

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Middle Age Workout Guide

It happens! I have it to.  I'm middle-aged so sue me!  My 30's seem like a complete blur! It's as if I was trapped in fast forward. Forty-five came out of no where and sucker punched me in the gut!  Two years later, I celebrated a small covid birthday which with good math puts me… Continue reading Middle Age Workout Guide

Bringing Sweaty Back

Motivation moves you

Where does pure motivation come from? The answer might surprise you! It comes from the inside. It’s what drives you to do something. Motivation is the thing that moves you to action. Inspiration comes from the outside. We are often inspired by outside influences. We might find inspiring solace in a book or catching a… Continue reading Motivation moves you

Bringing Sweaty Back

A prediction on restriction

I'm about to say some things about the D-word. DIET. A lot of what I'm about to harp on you already know to be true. What I hope is that maybe my direct words and approach will enlighten you when it comes to DIETING. A huge problem with RESTRICTIVE diets or dieting is this, "if… Continue reading A prediction on restriction