Bringing Sweaty Back

Don’t be a DING DONG

With a look of bewilderment, I tilt my head and wonder. What would it be like to have a one on one sit down with the CEO or founders of Little Debbie snack foods, Hostess or Nabisco? (just to name a few) My first question would be, "What exactly is your company mission statement?" I… Continue reading Don’t be a DING DONG

Bringing Sweaty Back

Working for the weekend

Remember when most American's worked all week just to get to the weekend?  (sigh) As a FITness instructor, a main stay question / gym topic has always been "the weekend" like "what did you do this weekend?" or "what are your plans for the coming weekend?" Of course the answers always varied.  Some people had… Continue reading Working for the weekend

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook, Metabolism Monday

Asian Style Spicy Soup

My eyes and nose are watering like crazy as I write this yummy post.  If you follow my exact instructions you too will soon catch my drift.  If you enjoy spicy, mouth watering,  make your head perspire, kind of dishes, then this your meal ticket. This is true comfort food to fill your belly and… Continue reading Asian Style Spicy Soup

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook

Turkey Balls: Abercrombie&FITness Approved

I would like to begin today with a cooking confession:  I have never ever made a meat loaf or a meat ball.  To be more transparent about my less than cooking practices, I have also never cooked a lot of things!  I'm not the interested maker of dishes such as Chateau Brion and Lasagna.  But… Continue reading Turkey Balls: Abercrombie&FITness Approved

Bringing Sweaty Back

Pineapple (skinny) cole slaw

Don't let Summer 2019 ride off into the sunset until you have experienced some pineapple cole slaw.  If you're a foodie who enjoys fresh homemade Summer, low fat recipes, prepare to fall deeply in love! Introducing the yummiest cole slaw ever made! I hate to even call it a cole slaw because this zesty dish… Continue reading Pineapple (skinny) cole slaw

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


When I was a pre teen, I became acutely aware that I did NOT posses certain qualities and features that some of my pre-teen counter parts displayed. But it's NOT what you are thinking. Being a native Texan, I spent every Summer in a bathing suit splashing in and out of swimming pools or the… Continue reading NOT like EVERYone ELSE

I don't cook

Slow Cooker Chops

It's been a cold, rainy and wet week in the Dallas, Fort Worth metroplex. Out of nowhere mother nature brought in a damp cold front sending everyone scrambling.  We literally went from sweating in shorts and tank tops to shivering in Ugg's with umbrellas overnight. Burr rabbit. This drastic climate change could only mean on… Continue reading Slow Cooker Chops

Bringing Sweaty Back

APPS anyone?

One of the country's most threatening issues is the growing APPETIZER epidemic! This should frighten some of you because football season has arrived and we all know what that means....FOOTBALL PANTS!  Oh sorry...what I meant to say means endless grazing on super unhealthy freakishly "State Fair of Texas" fried appetizers. Appetizers are totally out… Continue reading APPS anyone?

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara


I've heard about it. I've seen it done in the Hollywood box office movies. I know a few people who have tried it but in all honesty, I never expected to be one of them. However on our recent trip to Orange Beach, Alabama, I Angi Abercrombie, Mr. Chicken Fry and the teen queen made… Continue reading DIY SUSHI

Abercrombie & FITness Abroad, Bringing Sweaty Back

Orange Beach Tell All

They say there is no place like home...but Orange Beach, Alabama gets pretty darn close. Also known as, Disney World, Orange Beach is the greatest family friendly coastal adventure in the United States. It's booming like crazy and I'm a tad conflicted about sharing this precious home away from home truthful tell all but hey,… Continue reading Orange Beach Tell All