Bringing Sweaty Back, Metabolism Monday


Redundant is such a fun word to say.  My lips like the way it rolls off of the tongue and bounces around ending with a sharp T. I also very much appreciate the meaning. Enough is enough! Superfluous banter is overrated! Unless you are a mother, parent, educator, coach, or personal trainer! This is my… Continue reading Redundancy

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, Metabolism Monday

Cheesy Cheat Meal

Good Monday morning fellow FITness buffs and how's was your weekend?  I was home alone.  My teenager was at a church winter weekend retreat and Mr. Chicken Frywas quail hunting or in Angi terms, "quailing." It wasn't as luxurious as it sounds.  lol  The truth of the matter is I missed them like crazy and… Continue reading Cheesy Cheat Meal

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Out of Place

I can't be the only person who slightly gags and utterly grosses out at the mere thought of a hair brush laying on top of the kitchen counter. Anybody else feeling my vibe on this one?  How about a pair of tennis shoes or sweaty stinky socks lying on the dining table or counter top?… Continue reading Out of Place