Bringing Sweaty Back

But…how does it work?

This post is an up close look into exactly how my virtual training sessions work. As a certified personal trainer/FITness instructor, it was easy to conduct workout sessions from home during the pandemic. I would simply plan the workouts, que the music and perform the workouts. It was sort of follow the leader, do what… Continue reading But…how does it work?

Bringing Sweaty Back

Heart and Soul: Abercrombie & FITness

Why is Abercrombie & FItness any different from all the other on-demand or virtual fitness programs out there? Heart and Soul. I'm living, breathing and full-on sweat proof that the program works. I'm doing the workouts too. I'm following exactly the same program that I share with you. I personally write each workout. I pour… Continue reading Heart and Soul: Abercrombie & FITness

Bringing Sweaty Back

News, Give Aways and Ramblings

There is a lot of exciting stuff coming your way. For starters, FOOTBALL season is on the horizon and who doesn't love watching sweaty athletes perform acrobatics in tight spandex? Lol At least we have something to look forward to besides the school bell and weekly ritual that is rapidly approaching.  To bring myself out… Continue reading News, Give Aways and Ramblings

Bringing Sweaty Back, Metabolism Monday


Redundant is such a fun word to say.  My lips like the way it rolls off of the tongue and bounces around ending with a sharp T. I also very much appreciate the meaning. Enough is enough! Superfluous banter is overrated! Unless you are a mother, parent, educator, coach, or personal trainer! This is my… Continue reading Redundancy

Muscles and Mascara

Time Out – Injury 101

Muscle pain or strains putting a cramp in your style? ME TOO! Muscle injuries and sore muscles are a real pain in the neck! I cringe and hesitate to admit this but the older I get the more aches and pains I have. For instance, last week I woke up, stepped out of bed and… Continue reading Time Out – Injury 101

Bringing Sweaty Back

Winter WINE-ing

Who's ready for SPRING? I'm already channeling warmer weather,  flip-flops and tan lines. Winter is sooo hard! I become calloused for motivation.  Getting out of bed for work on the cold, rainy, dismal winter days is worse than domestic manual labor. I literally have to pep talk myself to toss back the covers and wake… Continue reading Winter WINE-ing

Abercrombie FITness client testimonials, Abercrombie FITness training studio, FITogether virtual training


Just because you can't physically get to me doesn't mean you can get lean!!! I wish we lived closer to each other so I could come workout in your personal training studio.  If my office wasn't so far I would totally come train at Abercrombie & FITness. I would hire you as my trainer in… Continue reading What is VIRTUAL TRAINING?

Bringing Sweaty Back

Junk food

In my wonderings, I often gaze out in the sky and imagine what it would be like to have a sit down and interview the CEO or founders of Little Debbie snack foods, Hostess or Nabisco. Like what even could be their premier mission statement? Would it be..."To sell sweet treats that make people happy"… Continue reading Junk food

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, Muscles and Mascara

5 things a trainer wants from YOU!

Hello Tuesday and mid August. Does anyone else feel like the Summer zoomed by? I have another Tid-bit Tueaday for ya! Since I'm basically being forced into the whole back to school routine I want to discuss it and how it relates to working out. How you can make training work for you. As a… Continue reading 5 things a trainer wants from YOU!

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

New year: New outlook on life

Here is a sobering question to ponder, how much time do you have to live? It's an introspective eye-opening question right? It might even make you a tid bituncomfortable because realistically you don't know the answer!! Know one knows the answer! Whether you have just been given a clean bill of health or diagnosed with… Continue reading New year: New outlook on life