Bringing Sweaty Back

Fearless Fifties

Peace out 40's! I'm primed and ready to rock and roll the next ten years like a boss! I mean that. Forties were merely a warm up and moderate jog as far as I'm concerned. Fifties...bring it on...I'm ready to run! FEARLESS FIFTIES! Norma Kamali Diana Dress Maybe everyone feels this way? Maybe by the… Continue reading Fearless Fifties

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


 Abercrombie and FITness celebrates TEN FITastic years! This equals an exorbitant amount of Muscles and Mascara!  From the burbs to online coaching, I have officially fulfilled 10 full years in business.  To be a small business owner has been a dream come true.  My little slice of the pie as a professional FITness instructor has… Continue reading TEN FITastic YEARS

Bringing Sweaty Back

What’s in your Easter basket?

Happy Easter weekend friends. I love Easter weekend.  I so very much appreciate the significance of this exclusive time of year. The smell of renewal and revival is in the air.  Everything around us is blooming and all that was once dead has come to life! Out of my kitchen window, I watch the idle… Continue reading What’s in your Easter basket?

Bringing Sweaty Back

This is 20 years

This time 20 years ago I was a blushing bride awaiting my grande debut. I was hours away from making the long-awaited traditional walk down the white center flowered pedaled aisle with my daddy.  He would be passing the torch so to speak to the one and only Mr. Chicken Fry.  The butterflies and the… Continue reading This is 20 years

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, Muscles and Mascara

5 things a trainer wants from YOU!

Hello Tuesday and mid August. Does anyone else feel like the Summer zoomed by? I have another Tid-bit Tueaday for ya! Since I'm basically being forced into the whole back to school routine I want to discuss it and how it relates to working out. How you can make training work for you. As a… Continue reading 5 things a trainer wants from YOU!

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITogether virtual training, Muscles and Mascara, Tid Bit Tuesday

Target practice

How was your holiday weekend?   Any major food regrets?  Me either!  I came, I saw, I ate and drank whatever I dang well pleased and now, I lock, reload and take aim yet again. Speaking of aim, we had a special invitation to spend the weekend with friends at the Nukid Ranch in West… Continue reading Target practice

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITogether virtual training, Muscles and Mascara

5 things your trainer wants from YOU!

Hello Monday and mid July.  Does anyone else feel like the Summer is racing by?  Slow down already...sheesh! As a successful and thriving trainer, I have major high hopes for every single client that enters my door!  My passion is never NOT brimming with zeal to greet the unique challenge that each client presents. Contrary… Continue reading 5 things your trainer wants from YOU!

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Out of Place

I can't be the only person who slightly gags and utterly grosses out at the mere thought of a hair brush laying on top of the kitchen counter. Anybody else feeling my vibe on this one?  How about a pair of tennis shoes or sweaty stinky socks lying on the dining table or counter top?… Continue reading Out of Place