Muscles and Mascara


What's your take on Cannabis/ CBD? Is CBD shameful serum or the future of natural healing?  Is it just hippie voodoo or is cannabis the ticket to human health? Can it "change the future outcome" of our well being? Click this link for a direct click to the product I'm taking.   Whether we like… Continue reading CANNABIS – CBD

Bringing Sweaty Back, Metabolism Monday


Redundant is such a fun word to say.  My lips like the way it rolls off of the tongue and bounces around ending with a sharp T. I also very much appreciate the meaning. Enough is enough! Superfluous banter is overrated! Unless you are a mother, parent, educator, coach, or personal trainer! This is my… Continue reading Redundancy

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


This wasn't exactly an ideal hallmark for an impressionable female teenager. "Well - Rounded" really? The picture above would sure speak to a well rounded head of hairsprayed hair that's for  certain.  But like hairstyles, trends change. Let's remember that I was a prodigy of the 70's, when hippie chic "skinny" girls graced the Copper Tone… Continue reading Well-Rounded

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara


Some of yall need a remodel.  You need a touch of some self improvement to match your wall to wall swag  going on at home.  When the term REMODEL comes to mind, immediate anxiety washes over me while an array of adjectives dance around in my head!  First thought is total topsy-turviness. Because is there ever… Continue reading Remodel

Abercrombie FITness client testimonials, Abercrombie FITness training studio, FITogether virtual training


Just because you can't physically get to me doesn't mean you can get lean!!! I wish we lived closer to each other so I could come workout in your personal training studio.  If my office wasn't so far I would totally come train at Abercrombie & FITness. I would hire you as my trainer in… Continue reading What is VIRTUAL TRAINING?

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, Metabolism Monday

Workout of the week 

As promised here are the best of the best from last week's workout series. The loyal workout warriors were so super bummed!  BUMM ba ba BUMMM if ya know what I mean. They were bummed out because their boo-tays hurt so bad...good! Bum, butt, booty, lady lumps, humps, behind, hiney, buttocks, hind end, ass, cheeks,… Continue reading Workout of the week