Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Foolish Foods

Navigating a new healthy eating regimen can be difficult.  There is a ton of tom foolery in marketing "healthy foods."  These healthy spin tactics are designed to keep a fat rat on the wheel spinning into a  never ending frenzy. I want to move you off of the wheel and away from the maddening maze… Continue reading Foolish Foods

Metabolism Monday, Muscles and Mascara

Super Size Surprise!

I tried the impossible.  I did my dead level best to pull off the impossibility of a surprise sweet 16th birthday party for the teen queen.  Do yall even know how virtually impossible this task is living in the year 2018? Yall, I gave it my best savvy techy well thought out, or so I… Continue reading Super Size Surprise!

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook

Did someone say desert??

The quick whisper of crisp Fall weather came and went like a decent house guest.  Just when I was getting use to it, it vanished leaving me sad and lonely.  It's plain ole Hot in Dallas, Texas.   So instead of gawking over cute boots and jeans, I'm still dreaming about  cold and refreshing deserts.… Continue reading Did someone say desert??