Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Middle Age Workout Guide

It happens! I have it to.  I'm middle-aged so sue me!  My 30's seem like a complete blur! It's as if I was trapped in fast forward. Forty-five came out of no where and sucker punched me in the gut!  Two years later, I celebrated a small covid birthday which with good math puts me… Continue reading Middle Age Workout Guide

Muscles and Mascara

Time Out – Injury 101

Muscle pain or strains putting a cramp in your style? ME TOO! Muscle injuries and sore muscles are a real pain in the neck! I cringe and hesitate to admit this but the older I get the more aches and pains I have. For instance, last week I woke up, stepped out of bed and… Continue reading Time Out – Injury 101

Muscles and Mascara

Party People

It's party time with a whoopie tee doo and a dickery dock. The lights are strung, some presents are ordered and on their way and just maybe a few are wrapped under the tree.   But what's more is that you've ACCEPTED the Christmas party invitation(s).   Your festive sparkly bling and fancy shoes are sitting… Continue reading Party People

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

Mexico Gains

Mr. Chicken Fry nailed it.  He booked us five prime time nights in a familiar, close to our hearts, sunny beach destination....Cancun, Mexico.  We share a deep love for clear ocean water and white sand beaches and Cancun was a perfect hop skip and jump from Dallas, Texas. We were greeted and treated like royalty… Continue reading Mexico Gains

Metabolism Monday, Muscles and Mascara

Super Size Surprise!

I tried the impossible.  I did my dead level best to pull off the impossibility of a surprise sweet 16th birthday party for the teen queen.  Do yall even know how virtually impossible this task is living in the year 2018? Yall, I gave it my best savvy techy well thought out, or so I… Continue reading Super Size Surprise!

FITness Videos, I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara

Fudge It

If you're a fudge loving perfectionist, this is your opportunity to turn and run. However, if you aren't too bothered by the undone small things in life then stick around for a minute. If you're a regular fan of my FITness work then you're fully aware that I'm nowhere near perfectionism. My organic studio gym… Continue reading Fudge It

Bringing Sweaty Back

Prepare to Party

It's party time with a whoopie tee doo and a dickery dock. The lights are strung, some presents are ordered and on their way and just maybe a few are wrapped under the tree. But what's more is that you've accepted the Christmas party invitation(s).   Your festive sparkly bling and fancy shoes are shined… Continue reading Prepare to Party

Bringing Sweaty Back

Party Rules 101 

It's party time with a whoopie tee doo and a dickery dock. The lights are strung, some presents are ordered and on their way and just maybe a few are wrapped under the tree.   But what's more is that you've accepted the Christmas party invitation(s).   Your festive sparkly bling and fancy shoes are… Continue reading Party Rules 101 

Muscles and Mascara


This weekend was a blast and a complete whirl wind!  It was like I was in warp speed which is really really really fast and I didn't slow down until yesterday about 4pm.  Do you ever have weekends like that? The go go go weekends that whip you around like a tornado!  WHOA that was… Continue reading WARP SPEED WEEKEND