Bringing Sweaty Back

Motivation moves you

Where does pure motivation come from? The answer might surprise you! It comes from the inside. It’s what drives you to do something. Motivation is the thing that moves you to action. Inspiration comes from the outside. We are often inspired by outside influences. We might find inspiring solace in a book or catching a… Continue reading Motivation moves you

Bringing Sweaty Back

This is 20 years

This time 20 years ago I was a blushing bride awaiting my grande debut. I was hours away from making the long-awaited traditional walk down the white center flowered pedaled aisle with my daddy.  He would be passing the torch so to speak to the one and only Mr. Chicken Fry.  The butterflies and the… Continue reading This is 20 years

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

The Chase (videos included)

Is life really all about "the chase"?  That familiar endorphin rush that passes on from generation to generation and stands the test of time.  The chase is older than dirt and right up there with "mud-slinging".   Right?  I mean, playing games and pursuit of a challenge is not a new novel idea. You're thinking,… Continue reading The Chase (videos included)