Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

Back FAT be gone! (videos included)

You strap on your bra and accidentally catch a glance of your back in the mirror.  Your head jerks around for a reactive double take and you see it again. With a heavy sigh followed by shame and disgust it is officially confirmed. The thick roll of skin squishing out from under or above your… Continue reading Back FAT be gone! (videos included)

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITogether virtual training


Shiver me timbers y''s "Planktember Time" here at Abercrombie and FITness.  Planktember is an actual thing and this is your special invitation to join me and all of my workout warriors in a no pressure, FITastic, plank-a-thon! All month long I will incorporate one or more planks into each and every workout. I sneak them… Continue reading Planktember