Abercrombie & FITness Abroad, Abercrombie FITness client testimonials, Abercrombie FITness training studio

Bye Bye Shin Bang

Have you ever suffered from severe shin pain, shin swelling and/or shin bruising from snow skiing? GIRL I feel ya! Shin Bang  has been a real problem for me for way too many years. HOWever, with a few quick affordable tips, shin bang can be corrected and managed for life!  FOREVER!  THE END, bye bye… Continue reading Bye Bye Shin Bang

Muscles and Mascara, The FITting Room (FITastic fashion & sales)

Tiddie taboo shoe review

In 1973, an all American shoe trend was on the brink of explosion.  A wildly popular and unique take on sandals swept the nation for over a decade.  It was an obscure marriage of rubbery tubing and soft foam creating one of the worlds softest sandals! People of all ages and races flocked to the… Continue reading Tiddie taboo shoe review

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook, Muscles and Mascara


I've heard about it. I've seen it done in the Hollywood box office movies. I know a few people who have tried it but in all honesty, I never expected to be one of them. However on our recent trip to Orange Beach, Alabama, I Angi Abercrombie, Mr. Chicken Fry and the teen queen made… Continue reading DIY SUSHI

Bringing Sweaty Back, I don't cook


It's almost Easter y'all!  Soft muted colors adorn everything from finger nails to front yards!  Spring is all over! This Easter,  I'm on a different kind of hunt, and Easter egg-tensive pursuit of the perfect egg. How do you like your eggs? It's quite egg-stensive don't you think?  The transformation of an egg while under… Continue reading Egg-tensive

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

God Winks

We have a saying here in Dallas, Texas and that is, "if you don't like the current weather conditions,  just wait a minute." This is because Texas weather changes as fast or faster than a female can change her handbag.  One minute it can be miserably cold and rainy and in less than an hour… Continue reading God Winks

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITogether virtual training


Shiver me timbers y'all...it's "Planktember Time" here at Abercrombie and FITness.  Planktember is an actual thing and this is your special invitation to join me and all of my workout warriors in a no pressure, FITastic, plank-a-thon! All month long I will incorporate one or more planks into each and every workout. I sneak them… Continue reading Planktember