Bringing Sweaty Back

Holiday Habits to Stay On Track

1 Mental & Physical Being : During the holidays, amid hectic schedules, investing 15 to 30 minutes daily in exercise has a significant well-being impact. Cardio & weight training decreases stress and helps fight fatique. 2 Repetitive Maintenance: Focus on eating healthy, hitting your workout goals,and staying on track. Eat before a holiday office party.… Continue reading Holiday Habits to Stay On Track

Bringing Sweaty Back

Set RESOLUTION but now experiencing severe to moderate anxiety!

First week of January in the books...How did it go? I hope you didn't do what I think you did?!?! Don't do it! Don't do it! Whatever you do...DO NOT set your pretty little self up for shame and disappointment. If you are contemplating weight loss or living a more active lifestyle for your beautiful… Continue reading Set RESOLUTION but now experiencing severe to moderate anxiety!

Muscles and Mascara

Voices Carry

There is an unurmountable amount of voices in modern culture. So many people talking and sharing.  By my calculations this is "A LOTTA" lot of voices floating around in your sphere. This is the decade we are living in...everyone has someone to influence or to be influenced by. I have a lot of outside's… Continue reading Voices Carry

Muscles and Mascara

Now what?

You have kicked the unhealthy habit(s) to the curb! You hit a stride and found a comfortable routine.  You know the drill and you are keeping to your uncompromising promise to exercise at least twice a week.  Food choices, by comparison, are lights out better than ever.  Gone are the days of binge eating or… Continue reading Now what?

Bringing Sweaty Back

Money matters

Recently, one of Mr. Chicken Fry's buddies dropped a folded crisp $100 dollar bill in our front yard/ drive way area. The blueish green Ben Franklin was dropped on an old school handshake exchange but neither of the guys realized that the money NEVER made hand to hand contact. In any case, the next afternoon,… Continue reading Money matters

Muscles and Mascara


Grief is a sneaky little sucker. It comes packing a rainbow of emotions ranging from neon bright to the darkest of dark. Grief is terribly uncomfortable. Any person who has experienced true grief I believe would agree and testify that it's a bizarre chain reaction experience.  Grief is weird because it gets all balled up… Continue reading Good GRIEF

Bringing Sweaty Back

Making Change

Sisters and brothers of the universe, what you are about to read is a necessary short story.  It's partly mental health based with a whole lotta be true to yourself vibes sprinkled in. I would like to go on record right off the bat with yet another confession. What I'm about to share is quite… Continue reading Making Change

Muscles and Mascara

About the elections…

A quick word about the US elections. This is not the end of the world as we know it! No matter what side of the fence you are on...these elections don't define who you are as a person! Listen up hot stuff...tomorrow when you wake will still be you!  You will still be beautiful,… Continue reading About the elections…

Abercrombie FITness client testimonials, Muscles and Mascara

Scale Away

Come scale away, come scale away and throw the scale away! Trust me girl... that scale is NOT your friend.  The scale is more like the rude, back stabbing friend that you tolerate and let back in your life.  The scale represents way to much drama for a girl like you.  The numbers are nothing… Continue reading Scale Away

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

Back FAT be gone! (videos included)

You strap on your bra and accidentally catch a glance of your back in the mirror.  Your head jerks around for a reactive double take and you see it again. With a heavy sigh followed by shame and disgust it is officially confirmed. The thick roll of skin squishing out from under or above your… Continue reading Back FAT be gone! (videos included)