Muscles and Mascara

What do women/ MOM’s want?

To YOU! SALUDE! SKOAL! Kung Pai. Cheers Y'all! It's FRIDAY! Toast to the fact that you have made it through another week and that TARGET is having a sale! That you made it through the weeks on end of home sheltering. That you can see the light at the end of the tunnel because we… Continue reading What do women/ MOM’s want?

Muscles and Mascara

Love Yourself – Amazon Goodies

Hello lovelies, In the sweet spirit of fast approaching February I think we should talk about about LOVE! Self love! Roses are RED, Violets are BLUE...February is the month to sprinkle much LOVE on precious special YOU! Girls, it's perfectly acceptable to shower yourself with gratitude and Botox! Lol This is what I call self… Continue reading Love Yourself – Amazon Goodies

Bringing Sweaty Back

Winter WINE-ing

Who's ready for SPRING? I'm already channeling warmer weather,  flip-flops and tan lines. Winter is sooo hard! I become calloused for motivation.  Getting out of bed for work on the cold, rainy, dismal winter days is worse than domestic manual labor. I literally have to pep talk myself to toss back the covers and wake… Continue reading Winter WINE-ing

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, Muscles and Mascara

Stairway to vacation 

Happy Hump Day loves!  So you know how I super dee super dig lifting weights and basically turned my passion into a thriving FITness business? Well...get a load of this... Typically I would feel exponentially cheated if I didn't at least lift two or three times while away on vacation.  In a strange euphoric way… Continue reading Stairway to vacation