Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

evolution of a push up

The push up is one of many age-old classic exercises that will never go out of style.  It is an introductory move and often used as a base line to test ones level of strength. When I first started my own FITness journey, back when I was skinny/fat, Are you a slave to the scale??  I could… Continue reading evolution of a push up

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITogether virtual training, Muscles and Mascara, Tid Bit Tuesday

Target practice

How was your holiday weekend?   Any major food regrets?  Me either!  I came, I saw, I ate and drank whatever I dang well pleased and now, I lock, reload and take aim yet again. Speaking of aim, we had a special invitation to spend the weekend with friends at the Nukid Ranch in West… Continue reading Target practice

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, Muscles and Mascara


When is it actually okay to take a knee?  Hold up! Don’t freak out on me.  This isn’t a political rant about kneeling during our cherished National Anthem. Rather a FITness post geared to those who might KNEED some pointers. Go ahead take a knee y’all! The stigma around the proverbial "girly knee" exercises is just… Continue reading Kneeon

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Tid Bit Tuesday

Tid Bit Tuesday: Calorie Crusher (workout & video)

For the first year I can ever remember, Mr. Chicken Fry and I spent Super Bowl Sunday at a local restaurant and sports bar close to home.   Basically no one wanted to step up to the plate (including myself) and host our rowdy bunch on a school night. Why in the world  isn't the game… Continue reading Tid Bit Tuesday: Calorie Crusher (workout & video)