I don't cook

Slow Cooker Chops

It's been a cold, rainy and wet week in the Dallas, Fort Worth metroplex. Out of nowhere mother nature brought in a damp cold front sending everyone scrambling.  We literally went from sweating in shorts and tank tops to shivering in Ugg's with umbrellas overnight. Burr rabbit. This drastic climate change could only mean on… Continue reading Slow Cooker Chops

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

10 to 1

One of the thrills of my job is mixing it up!  Taking the mundane out of exercise and make it somewhat fun and interesting.  I get to utilize the creative side of my brain. Quit rolling your eyes people...it can be done! Today's lesson is the old 10-to-1 trick. I'm going to show you how… Continue reading 10 to 1