Bringing Sweaty Back

Party Season 2023

Wedding season is in full bloom. Not to mention, graduation ceremonies and parties galore. As the calendar turns to Spring and Summer, these celebrations call for special attire that strikes the perfect balance between chic and appropriate. This party season can also wreck havoc on your waist line so watch out! Whether you're a guest… Continue reading Party Season 2023

Bringing Sweaty Back

Long weekends

Don't blow it! Hands up for the three day weekend! If you are currently in a "slim down" phase or FITness journey do not blow your progress! Long holiday weekends do not have to be your demise! There are plenty of ways to enjoy the backyard barbecues and poolside or lakeside gatherings without packing on… Continue reading Long weekends

Bringing Sweaty Back

Changes and Exchanges – phase 3

I wrote the piece on Jeff Rhorer to fill in the gaps for anyone struggling with their own sexuality or for those who simply don't understand. There are plenty of us, gay or straight, that are confused and disconnected by such a CHANGE! In 2018 there seems to remain humans who are totally lost on… Continue reading Changes and Exchanges – phase 3

I don't cook

Slow Cooker Chops

It's been a cold, rainy and wet week in the Dallas, Fort Worth metroplex. Out of nowhere mother nature brought in a damp cold front sending everyone scrambling.  We literally went from sweating in shorts and tank tops to shivering in Ugg's with umbrellas overnight. Burr rabbit. This drastic climate change could only mean on… Continue reading Slow Cooker Chops