Muscles and Mascara

Time Out – Injury 101

Muscle pain or strains putting a cramp in your style? ME TOO! Muscle injuries and sore muscles are a real pain in the neck! I cringe and hesitate to admit this but the older I get the more aches and pains I have. For instance, last week I woke up, stepped out of bed and… Continue reading Time Out – Injury 101

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

God Winks

We have a saying here in Dallas, Texas and that is, "if you don't like the current weather conditions,  just wait a minute." This is because Texas weather changes as fast or faster than a female can change her handbag.  One minute it can be miserably cold and rainy and in less than an hour… Continue reading God Winks

Bringing Sweaty Back

Vacation Hicup

Health is huge!  If you are a moderately healthy human being who feels good 95% of the time you are winning big!   Who knew I could be taking my fortunate health for granted? Y'all, I don't get sick!  I mean sure, I get the occasional tummy ache from a foreign food or a sinus… Continue reading Vacation Hicup

Abercrombie & FITness Abroad, Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos, Metabolism Monday

Whistle while you workout! 

Why not? Some people can whistle like a hot tea kettle. It's a genetic predisposition built in to their pucker!  I have watched people manipulate their fingers and lips only to blow a loud whistle that left me half def in one ear!  It's fascinating. My daddy is a whistler. In fact from a young age… Continue reading Whistle while you workout! 

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

Complexion questions?

Have you been to a beauty counter lately?  My goodness, if you have A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. and need foundation, eye liner or moisturizer, you could have a panic attack in the middle of the mall or ULTA. There are like a million brands to choose from not to mention the buffet of items to select.… Continue reading Complexion questions?