Abercrombie FITness client testimonials, Muscles and Mascara

Scale Away

Come scale away, come scale away and throw the scale away! Trust me girl... that scale is NOT your friend.  The scale is more like the rude, back stabbing friend that you tolerate and let back in your life.  The scale represents way to much drama for a girl like you.  The numbers are nothing… Continue reading Scale Away

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

New year: New outlook on life

Here is a sobering question to ponder, how much time do you have to live? It's an introspective eye-opening question right? It might even make you a tid bituncomfortable because realistically you don't know the answer!! Know one knows the answer! Whether you have just been given a clean bill of health or diagnosed with… Continue reading New year: New outlook on life

Abercrombie FITness training studio, Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

Best & Worst 2016

  How did 2016 treat you?  When you reflect on the last 12 months do you feel closer to someone, accomplished, balanced or just a year older?  Do you have more or fewer boundaries?  Do you feel super FIT, frumpy and lumpy, further behind or ahead in this crazy game of life? If you ask… Continue reading Best & Worst 2016