Bringing Sweaty Back

What to expect when you’re working out?

The second the doctor confirmed what the home pregnancy test had already revealed, I flew out of the office to the nearest book store to purchase the ever so coveted "What to expect when you're expecting!"  This was way way back in the day, circa 2002, before I had a smart phone and Amazon Prime. … Continue reading What to expect when you’re working out?

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

TRX Tuesday

Well hello friends! How's your Tuesday treating you? Over here we are in the final farewell to the lazy days of Summer. It's sad but true. Soon our lives will be busy and ruled by the school bell.  With school we get more schedule and plenty of fun fall social activities. I welcome change and… Continue reading TRX Tuesday

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

I can take the heat

I don't mind the heat.  I guess I really never have.  For as long as I can remember,  one of my most cherished nuances is walking out of a chilly indoor establishment into the hot humid outdoors.  I know it seems odd but I like warm air. You won't ever see me bat an eye… Continue reading I can take the heat