Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

TRX Tuesday

Well hello friends! How's your Tuesday treating you? Over here we are in the final farewell to the lazy days of Summer. It's sad but true. Soon our lives will be busy and ruled by the school bell.  With school we get more schedule and plenty of fun fall social activities. I welcome change and… Continue reading TRX Tuesday

Bringing Sweaty Back

Leg Day (workout video)

And just like that, it's Friday y'all! This week flew by so fast at the Abercrombie household for a couple of reasons.  For starters, the teen queen had a very exciting week. Miss teen queen had swanky tickets to the Harry Styles concert in Dallas.  This alone to her is like if I saw Elvis… Continue reading Leg Day (workout video)

Bringing Sweaty Back, Muscles and Mascara

I have a date with Oscar

Exactly six weeks from this past Sunday, I have a date with Oscar!  February 28th is Oscar Sunday. For those of you dazed & confused or living under a rock, allow me to introduce you. Oscar is the tall, gold, stoic trophy of the Academy Awards which honors all things cinema. This is an annual… Continue reading I have a date with Oscar