Muscles and Mascara


In my private training studio we do a lot of sweating, heavy lifting and jibber jabbing.  We discuss news, parenting, tell funny jokes, critique hollywood celebrities and break down books and movies.  (click above for my 12 week red carpet ready workout challenge) We talk about all of the female things from shoes to pubes.  We… Continue reading Unlisted

Abercrombie FITness client testimonials, Abercrombie FITness training studio, FITogether virtual training


Just because you can't physically get to me doesn't mean you can get lean!!! I wish we lived closer to each other so I could come workout in your personal training studio.  If my office wasn't so far I would totally come train at Abercrombie & FITness. I would hire you as my trainer in… Continue reading What is VIRTUAL TRAINING?

Bringing Sweaty Back

Strategic Parenting

Parenting is a blast. It's sooo much fun right up to the point that it isn't! Any parent who has raised a teenager has to know exactly what I mean.  Parenting is  widely entertaining until the kids grow up and suddenly have a mind of there own.  Sure, there are glimpses of pleasant family time,… Continue reading Strategic Parenting

Bringing Sweaty Back

Workouts, travel and trains 

Yesterday we packed a bag and traveled to San Diego to meet up with dear friends who will kindly put us up!  Or put up with us for a night!  Mr. Chicken Fry can't sit still...he detests down time!  He has an aversion to REST!  (lol) We are both slightly addicted to chaos!  So sue… Continue reading Workouts, travel and trains 

Abercrombie FITness client testimonials, Muscles and Mascara


Want to impress your teenager?  Just causally ask, "sup, so uhhh what's your highest streak?"   All the kids are crazy strung out on "keeping the streaks."  It's a major hip fad in the Snapchat realm. I think my teen queen has up to a 469 streak with several of her besties.  WHATEVER floats their… Continue reading Streaks