Bringing Sweaty Back

In your dreams

One morning last week I woke up mad.  Y'all, I was seriously angry, like hotter than a match mad, AT MY HUSBAND! (aka Mr. Chicken Fry) I had a dream.  In this dream, things between us weren't going so well.  I was very upset. In actuality, I was in our bed in what I call… Continue reading In your dreams

Muscles and Mascara

Time Out – Injury 101

Muscle pain or strains putting a cramp in your style? ME TOO! Muscle injuries and sore muscles are a real pain in the neck! I cringe and hesitate to admit this but the older I get the more aches and pains I have. For instance, last week I woke up, stepped out of bed and… Continue reading Time Out – Injury 101

Abercrombie & FITness Abroad

Florida ramblings

After a full Christmas eve and Christmas morning, me, Mr, Chicken Fry and the teen queen didn't exactly settle in for a long Winter's nap.  Nope, instead we attempted to kill ourselves so we could hurry up and get somewhere we could rest!  lol  Instead of cozy nestling by firelight and gazing at our Christmas… Continue reading Florida ramblings

Bringing Sweaty Back

Opal Sands in Clearwater, Florida

Per usual, Mr. Chicken Fry gets another win in the vacation husband and dad of the year award.  His travel savvy is always on point. He's the master finesse of fun! Chicken Fry randomly found us a warm gulf coast beach resort near Tampa to end our Florida staycation.  I thought it was a grandiose kick… Continue reading Opal Sands in Clearwater, Florida

Abercrombie & FITness Abroad, Muscles and Mascara


There is nothing attractive about this word or what I'm about to share but I wanted to come clean. I have been a bit off of my blogging regimen due to some unforeseen issues that have put me down in the dumps. When I was in Mexico I apparently contracted some type of intestinal parasite,… Continue reading Parasitic

Bringing Sweaty Back, FITness Videos

Mexico Gains

Mr. Chicken Fry nailed it.  He booked us five prime time nights in a familiar, close to our hearts, sunny beach destination....Cancun, Mexico.  We share a deep love for clear ocean water and white sand beaches and Cancun was a perfect hop skip and jump from Dallas, Texas. We were greeted and treated like royalty… Continue reading Mexico Gains

Bringing Sweaty Back, Makeup Monday, Muscles and Mascara

Bad Days

Even energetic sunshiny happy people have the occasional bad day. Because if you are a living breathing technology owning or running human you might experience "technical difficulties". And because sometimes we just can't remember the stinking password and because of that we might sit on the phone unable to do what we originally set out… Continue reading Bad Days

Abercrombie & FITness Abroad, FITness Videos

Getting out of town

Does anyone else feel like a crazed lunatic before leaving town? I was so much better at it in my mid twenties when less adulting and thought played into leaving the house for a week. Now it looks and feels a lot more like chaotic torture coupled with an endorphin rush that I have come… Continue reading Getting out of town

FITness Videos, Muscles and Mascara

FIT and Flu Season

I recently fell prey to a nasty sinus infection. It robbed, not only of two weekend days and nights, but stripped me of my dignity. If you don't want to hear the very syrupy sweet true love story I'm about to tell, feel free to scroll down to the bottom of the post for the… Continue reading FIT and Flu Season

Abercrombie FITness client testimonials, Muscles and Mascara


Want to impress your teenager?  Just causally ask, "sup, so uhhh what's your highest streak?"   All the kids are crazy strung out on "keeping the streaks."  It's a major hip fad in the Snapchat realm. I think my teen queen has up to a 469 streak with several of her besties.  WHATEVER floats their… Continue reading Streaks